The TEAK Fellowship

Providing academic and personal support to high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds in New York City

Based in New York City and founded in 1998, TEAK is a free ten-year rigorous academic program that helps high-achieving students achieve their potential through intensive after school and summer classes. TEAK prepares middle school students to get into the nation’s most selective high schools and colleges and onto competitive careers.

The Hg Foundation’s financial contribution and support helps with TEAK’s continued goal of expansion in student capacity and services to the program each year. The support also allows TEAK to strengthen and increase its program offerings, expanding coding courses, extracurricular robotics programming, whilst also supporting more internships and professional development opportunities in STEM. In addition, part of the grant will support an independent assessment of TEAK’s initiatives on student outcomes, enabling further development and improvements for more impact in the future.

  • 89%

    of TEAK students matriculated to highly competitive colleges

  • 326

    total number of Fellows currently in the program

  • 30%

    of students accepted at Ivy League colleges each year